A-1 Daylighting – Residential & Commercial Skylights
We offer a full spectrum of daylighting products from high performance commercial and industrial skylights, to hybrid tubular skylights with LED lighting — including prismatic skylights, smoke vents, shades, roof curbs, OSHA fall protection, tubular skylights, residential skylights and more.
<h3 class="home3box"><a href="https://a-1daylighting.com/daylighting-schools/">Lighting for Schools</a></h3><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p style="color:#fff;">Daylighted classrooms create a bright, cheerful environment ideal for learning and teaching. A classroom's use of energy is twofold: lighting and HVAC. When you daylight a classroom you can have lights off 70-80% of the time, requiring less air conditioning. Research shows that daylighting in schools increases student performance. </p><a style="color: #fff;text-decoration: underline;" href="https://a-1daylighting.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/eneref-daylighting-school-wilson.pdf">Click Here for Case Study</a>
<h3 class="home3box"><h3 class="home3box"><a href="https://a-1daylighting.com/commercial-daylighting/">Industrial Daylighting</a></h3></h3><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p style="color:#fff;">Daylighting in an industrial space has proven to increase employee morale and productivity. Industrial daylighting will more than pay for itself with money saved from reduced electric bills. Not only will you save electricity but also lamp and ballast maintenance cost in the process.</p> <a style="color: #fff;text-decoration: underline;" href="https://a-1daylighting.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/eneref-daylighting-warehouse-karndean-1.pdf">Click Here for Case Study</a>
<h3 class="home3box"><a href="https://a-1daylighting.com/daylighting-retail/">Retail Lighting</a></h3><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p style="color:#fff;">Shopping is seeing. The better one can see the more they will buy. In a retail environment, daylighting has been proven to increase sales up to 40%. Not only does it create a better shopping experience for the customer but it also increases employee morale. </p>
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Daylighting Blog
Beneficial Use of Daylighting Businesses
Daylight has quite a few advantages over artificial lighting. One of them being, exposure to natural light improves workplace performance. We can all relate to that fuzzy feeling of being stuck in that windowless room under fluorescent lights during daylight hours....
Contact Us
A-1 Daylighting, LLC
299 S. Main, Suite 1300
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
801-535-4345 — office
801-745-2307 — fax